世界智能网联汽车大会(简称:WICV)是我国首个经国务院批准的国家级智能网联汽车专业会议,自2018年起,已连续成功举办六届。2024世界智能网联汽车大会(简称:WICV 2024)将由工业和信息化部、交通运输部、北京市人民政府联合主办。大会拟以“协同并进 智行未来——共享智能网联汽车发展新机遇”为主题,旨在搭建全球智能网联汽车先进经验和示范推进的沟通交流平台,联通全球政企和行业,汇集各方资源和智慧,协力解决产业面临的问题,加速推动智能网联汽车发展进程。
The World Intelligent Connected Vehicles Conference (WICV), China’s first national-level professional conference on ICV approved by the State Council, has been successfully held for six consecutive years since 2018. This year, the WICV 2024 will be co-hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), the Ministry of Transport (MOT), and the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality. Themed “Collaborating for Future Smart Mobility: Embracing New Opportunities in ICV Development”, the conference aims to establish a global platform for sharing advanced experiences and promoting demonstrations in the ICV sector. It will pool resources and wisdom from global governments, enterprises, and sectors to collaboratively address industry challenges and accelerate ICV development.
The release of “Global Top 10 ICV Breakthroughs” is a key highlight of the WICV 2024. It aims to comprehensively summarize the past decade’s achievements and accurately capture the remarkable breakthroughs in the global ICV sector, thereby navigating further sci-tech innovation and industry advancements. This collection activity is designed to create a shortlist of the “Global Top 10 ICV Breakthroughs”, laying a solid foundation for subsequent scientific evaluation and expert review. We sincerely invite domestic and international industry professionals to participate in this collection and survey effort.No fees will be charged for this collection. All interested parties are welcome to participate!
01征集范围 Collection Scope
Global Top 10 ICV Breakthroughs: The collection involves systematically reviewing the global ICV achievements over the past decade, including, but not limited to, fields such as top-level design and regulations & standards, innovative application scenarios, core technological innovations, and market-oriented performance. The goal is to select the top 10 influential breakthroughs, providing a comprehensive and systematic summary of the outstanding achievements in global ICV development.
Selection Fields for Global Top 10 ICV Breakthroughs
1. Top-Level Design and Regulations & Standards
Relevant events that support ICV industrialization from the perspectives of global macro policies, regulations and standards.
2. Innovative Application Scenarios
Typical innovative development achievements in the application of autonomous driving/intelligent connectivity across various segments, including passenger cars, buses, freight transport vehicles, and functional autonomous vehicles.
3. Core Technological Innovations
Disruptive and innovative technologies, concepts, or models with substantial value and impact and long-term sustainability, which fundamentally alter ICV’s technological landscape and production methods, enhance products and services, and drive industry development and changes.
4. Market-oriented Progress
Significant milestones in the global ICV market, including market acceptance, sales growth trends, and market penetration rates.
5. Other
Any other breakthroughs with profound significance.
02征集流程 Collection Process
(1)广泛征集(8月26日-9月5日):请各位专家复制链接至浏览器,参与问卷征集: (中文问卷)
Extensive Collection (August 26 - September 5): Experts are invited to complete the questionnaire by accessing the link: Questionnaire)
(2) 材料形式审查(9月5日-9月6日):由工作人员对相关材料进行符合性审查,形成候选清单。
Material Review (September 5 - September 6): Relevant staff will conduct a preliminary review of the submitted materials and compile a shortlist of qualified candidates.
(3) 国际专家委员会评审(9月6日-10月15日):开展国际专家委员会讨论会议,最终遴选出十大突破。
International Expert Committee Review (September 6 - October 15): There will be International Expert Committee to select the final top 10 breakthroughs.
03成果发布 Results Release
The “Global Top 10 ICV Breakthroughs” will be officially released at the opening ceremony of the WICV 2024 on October 17. Stay tuned!
联系方式 Contact Information
联系人Contact:孙文喆 SUN WENZHE
联系人Contact:段聪DUAN CONG
Experts in the ICV sector are encouraged to actively make recommendations!